Birches Farm Nature Reserve
Birches Farm is a site of special scientific interest, designated in 2014, following the purchase of the reserve by Herefordshire Wildlife Trust (HWT). It is one of the largest, unimproved, wildflower rich grassland sites remaining in the county.
The aims for the site are to:
- Increase and maintain the diversity and quality of the meadows - including seedinglate summer hay cuts and traditional pasturing
- Maintain the oak, ash and traditional fruit trees
- Encourage a mixture of hedgerow habitats - by flailing, laying and coppicing
- Manage and maintain the man-made and kettle hole ponds
The following species of note are found on the site:
- Wildflowers - betony, devil's-bit scabious, green-winged orchid, heath milkwort, mouse-ear hawkweed and common twayblade
- Birds - redstart, willow warbler
- Amphibians - common toad
- Butterflies - small copper and green hairstreak
HWT run regular walks and events at the site. Visit the Herefordshire Wildlife Trust website for more information