Ewyas Harold recycling Saturdays
Community - Ewyas Harold for People and Planet Community Group organise recycling mornings on the last Saturday of every third month – January, April, July and October, from 10.00 – 12 noon - where local residents can bring along items such as black plastic, tin foil, biros and felt tip pens, printer cartridges and candle wax. The group ensures that the materials are properly recycled. This scheme provides an essential service for those in the village who do not have cars.
"The machinery at EnviroSort sorting the Herefordshire Council recycling cannot recognise black plastic so large quantities of this have to be placed in ordinary waste and incinerated instead. Our events allow this to be recycled to provide new plastic, and also support local charities through tin foil collections." Sue Young, Ewyas Harold and District for People and Planet Group.
The recycling mornings are held at Doctors’ Surgery car park in Ewyas Harold