More Beryl E-Bikes now available to use in Hereford
Wednesday 1 March 2023 5.12pm
The number of Beryl Bikes has increased across Hereford once again with 47 new e-bikes now available to hire.
Further e-bikes will also be added over the coming weeks, which will mean there will soon be a total of 200 bikes and 104 e-bikes available for users in Hereford.
The e-bikes can be hired from and returned to any of the existing 69 ‘Beryl bays’ that are located across the city. Currently, 90% of Hereford’s residents are just five minutes (or less) walk from a bay.
The successful Bike hire scheme which has been implemented by the Council’s Sustainability and Climate change team working in partnership with Beryl aims to get people to swap a car journey for a Beryl bike resulting in reduced congestion and carbon emissions across the City.
Since the launch in 2019 over 687,000km have been ridden on a Beryl Bike in Hereford - that is the equivalent of over 17 journeys around the Earth! According to industry calculations, the journeys taken so far have saved over 35 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions. This is the equivalent of approximately 2068 litres of petrol or 205 flights from London to Edinburgh.
With more e-bikes available cycling has never been easier, so why not give it a try? The Beryl app is available for free download on the App Store for iOS, and the Google Play Store for Android users.
For more information, visit beryl.cc