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The Big Green Business Event shell Store Skylon park

Big Green Business Event

Friday 10 May 2024 12.12pm

The Herefordshire Means Business (HMBiz) Team are hosting a Big Green Business Event, in partnership with Herefordshire Council's Greener Footprints initiative on Tuesday 11 June at the Shell Store, Skylon Park, Hereford from 8am to 12pm.

The event is part of Greener Footprints Week in Herefordshire, and a free breakfast is offered for up to 2 people from your business.

Whether your business is already fully committed to sustainable practices, or you are just taking the first steps, this event will provide an ideal opportunity to hear from local experts and fellow businesses.

The event will feature speakers, workshops and exhibitors providing practical information for Herefordshire businesses across a wide range of topics including:

  • Energy Use
  • Electric Vehicles
  • Waste
  • Grant funding opportunities
  • Travel

There will also be opportunity to network with the wider business community.

For more information, and to book your space, click here