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Greener Footprints Webinars

Catch up on our past webinars below, including those from the Greener Footprint's Sandwich Session series - mini webinars tailored to businesses in Herefordshire.

14.11.24 Heat Pumps, Solar, and Battery Storage for Home and Business - The Basics

This webinar includes insights from local experts regarding heat pumps, solar, and battery technologies, where to start and how to get the most from them should you decide to include them in your home or business.

Slides for this session.

Questions, answers, and further links.

12.09.24 Electric Vehicle Charging in the Community (Herefordshire) Webinar

Check out this Webinar hosted by Herefordshire Council's Sustainability and Climate Change Team and Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Team, offering insights into how to progress electric vehicle charging opportunities in your community.

View the presentation slides.

View the Q&A from the chat and further links.

Sandwich Sessions

Covering a range of topics including nature in the workplace, electric vehicles, energy, and more, we’ll be talking around a different theme each time. Each session will be just 30 minutes or less, including time to ask questions.

Join us to get up to date on the subjects that matter to you. Featuring local businesses sharing their experience, council personnel giving insight into work around the county, and signposting to grants and funding.

Got a topic you’d like us to focus on? Let us know through

25.04.24 Supporting Nature at Work - How to Provide Benefits to Nature at the Workplace

Slides for this session are available here

21.03.24 Electric Vehicle Charging in Herefordshire - Progress and Challenges

Slides for this session are available here